Dark Sky Aroma 黑天引燕荷尔蒙

Dark Sky Aroma came about in an accidental discovery when it was tested on a failed bird house. Groups and groups of birds were attracted into the bird house and many of  them eventually stayed put.

The sky outside the bird house was swamped with excited birds, like dark sky -- hence the name DARK SKY AROMA!



Very suitable for new bird house
Happy Try !

✅Master piece formulation to attract new swiftlet
✅Encourage retention of own young birds
✅Encourage mating & nest making
✅Concentrated & proven effective

Shake well before use
✅Shake well before use
✅Dilute 1:3 with clean water
✅Spray in the roaming area and on existing bird's droppings
✅May also be in containers placed in bird house to be evaporated 
✅Avoid contact with bird nest and nesting planks
✅Reduce air flow to retain the hormone inside the bird house